Be the Boss of Your Own Health

Taking charge of our health is one of the most important things we can do for ourselves. We have the power to take control of our physical and mental well-being by adopting simple, common-sense routines such as eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, drinking enough water, getting adequate sleep, and focusing on positive thoughts.



“Let food be thy medicine, and medicine by thy food.” —Hippocrates (Father of Modern Medicine).

Our Bodies Are Smart

healthfluentDr. Mark Hyman once said, “Everything we do speaks to our genes.” If we want to stay healthy and strong, we should always consider the fact that our bodies are smarter than we think. However, it cannot function well if we don’t feed and care for it the way nature does. Synthetic Western drugs are foreign to our biology; hence, they always leave serious and frightful side effects, while we mistakenly assume they are friendly to our cells and organs. Most people thought Western drugs could cure aging-related diseases. But they are mistaken.

On Holistic Approach

Maintaining a healthy body mass index (BMI), engaging in healthy behaviors like exercise, eating well, and getting enough sleep, as well as abstaining from tobacco use, and excessive alcohol use are all necessary for living a long and healthy life free from reliance on western medications. Considering a person’s physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social, and environmental health is part of a holistic approach to wellness. This method places a strong emphasis on the necessity of balancing between these various factors to achieve maximum well being.

The Power of Herbs

It has been investigated whether certain herbs and spices can lower blood pressure. These include sweet basil leaves, celery seed extract, bacopa monnieri, parsley, garlic, and basil.
Garlic supplements may assist hypertensive persons lower their blood pressure, according to studies. In both rats with and without hypertension, parsley extract was observed to lower systolic, diastolic, and average blood pressure. Thyme may be helpful for lowering blood pressure and lowering the risk of hypertension, according to animal studies.



Image by Katja S. Verhoeven from Pixabay

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